I don’t like this! I also hope that you don’t like it too. How can they increase the Price of Data when everybody wants cheap data? This is against the Masses will.
At first, I didn’t want to publish this post but on seeing the Petition that was created by someone on Change.org, immediately i changed my decision.
Do you want to sign the petition? If you are willingly, then try and GOTO;
If you don’t vote now and tomorrow, then the price changes effect will take place starting from 1st of December! Say No #Etisalatdatepricechange, #mtndatapricechange, #etisalatdatapricechange #airteldatapricechange
The data price shouldn’t be increase by NCC. Please, visit the site and sign the petition. Don’t worry, you won’t have to register. It is just few seconds thing to do. Thanks..